Saturday, April 23, 2011

Crestwood Stake YSA Activities: 4/24-4/30

Hey everyone!!! Here's what we have going on this week:


Sunday School! Lesson 15: “I Am the Light of the World”


Indoor Soccer! 9:30 PM at the Stake Center!

*No Institute this week.


YSA Meeting at Conference Center at 7:30 PM! Meet at the Stake Center at 6:00 PM to carpool down. EVERYONE SHOULD MAKE AN EFFORT TO COME! This is the first time the First Presidency has called a meeting like this for the YSA's so it's kind of a big deal. COME!!!!

(Because we want everyone to come to this meeting we cancelled the temple night we had planned for this same night).

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Crestwood Stake YSA Activities: 4/17-4/23

Here's what we have going on this week:


Sunday School! Lesson 14: “Who Is My Neighbour?”


No Institute the next two weeks! Institute will start back up on May 3rd, with an opening social at 6:30 PM.

BUT... we will still be playing Indoor Soccer the next two weeks while Institute is out. Meet at the gym in the Stake Center at 9:30 PM! 


Ward Activities. Ask your ward rep what your ward is planning!

Coming Up:

YSA Regional Campout: June 17-18 at Camp Shawnee. When it get's closer they will provide us with directions to the camp and more information... but it will be a good time!

Super Activity!!! We passed registration forms out last week, if you weren't there ask your ward reps or ward advisors for a form and get it in ASAP!!! We will be going to Yuba Lake, August 3-6, 2011.

Next Week:

Indoor Soccer- Tuesday at 9:30 PM at the Stake Center

Temple Night- Thursday, the 28th, Meet at Stake Center at 5:15 PM, we will be going to the Bountiful Temple.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Crestwood Stake YSA Activities: 4/3-4/9

Hope everyone had the best conference weekend EVER!!! To attempt to live up to how good the weekend was, this is what we have going on this week:

Tuesday, April, 5, 2011:

Institute! 7:30 PM at Davis High Seminary.... we really want to try to start ON TIME... so make the biggest effort of your life to be there at 7:30. We want our teachers to have time to share all of the lesson they put so much time into preparing.

Indoor soccer after at the Stake Center at 9:30 PM!

Thursday, April 7, 2011:

We are having a special post-conference FHE at the Pierson's home at 7:30. We want everyone to come prepared with a thought from this past conference and we're going to give everyone a chance to share something from their favorite talk. If you don't want to share... still come! The Pierson's live at: 580 N. 125 E. in Kaysville. If you go down to Fairfield Road its the 2nd (I'm pretty sure...) left after Fairfield Jr. High then it's on the right side of the street.

Coming Up:

This coming Sunday: Missionary Night at 7:30 PM at the Nilsson's, their house is the one dead center at the end of the coldasac (no idea how to spell that...) on 2700 E. (it's 3 houses down from Angie Stevens home if that's any help).

The Super Activity will be at Lake Yuba, August 3-6!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Crestwood Stake Activities: 3/27-4/2

If I had a wish it would be that I would get to see YOU at all of these venues this coming week:
Sunday, March 27, 2011:

Sunday School! Lesson 12: “I Am the Bread of Life”
Tuesday, March 29, 2011:

Institute: 7:30 PM. Davis High Seminary Building, our room is on the back wall towards the right.

Indoor soccer after at 9:30 PM in the gym at the Stake Center... which if you have never attended, you are missing out- it's pretty much the best time you'll ever have in your life.

Thursday, March 31, 2011:

Human Foosball!!! 7:30 PM at the Crestwood Chapel! A foosball table isn't enough for us... we like things life size!

Coming up:

Super Activity: Lake Yuba, August 3-6

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Crestwood Stake YSA Activities 3/20-3/26

Hope life is AMAZING!!! And if you would like to make it more amazing, here's some things we have going on this week:

Sunday, March 20, 2011:

Sunday School, Lesson #11: “He Spake Many Things unto Them in Parables”

Tuesday, March 22, 2011:

Its back!!! After last weeks break, Institute WILL exist this week, 7:30 PM at the Davis High Seminary. Our room is the one on the back wall on the right. Indoor Soccer after at the Stake Center!

Saturday, March 26, 2011:

Temple Night! Meet at the Stake Center at 5:30 PM, we will be going to the Bountiful Temple and then having treats and playing games after.

Coming Up:

March 31st: Human Foosball at 7:30 PM at the Crestwood Chapel

August 3-6: Super Activity!!! at Lake Yuba

If you ever want to know what will be coming up the next few days, weeks, or months, check out our calendar:

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Crestwood Stake YSA Activities: 3/13-3/19

Here's what's going on this week:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Combined Sunday School- Lesson #10: “Take My Yoke upon You, and Learn of Me”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

NO INSTITUTE BECAUSE OF SPRING BREAK!!!! I started writing that as usual we have Institute and Indoor Soccer after because we are so dependable in that way, but then I realized that for once that wasn't true. So: enjoy the break!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sports Night at 7:30 at the Stake Center, and what are we doing? I'm not sure if your ready for this... but: we are playing four square, which based on my experiences from elementary school: I'm 100% sure it is going to be awesome.

Coming Up:

March 31: Stake Activity- Human Foosball at the Crestwood Chapel at 7:30 PM!

August 3-6: Super Activity at Lake Yuba

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Crestwood Stake YSA Activities: 3/6-3/12


Stake Conference

CES Fireside: Elder L. Tom Perry, at 6:00 PM at the Chapel where Main Street & Nichols Road intersect... (2nd chapel on the right after Davis High).


Institute: 7:30 PM at Davis High Institute, our room is on the back wall to the right.

Indoor Soccer after at the Stake Center at 9:30 PM.


Ward Activities!!!

Reminder: the Super Activity is August 3-6 at Lake Yuba!