Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crestwood Stake YSA Activities: 2/27-3/5

Hope life is going good for everyone… and if it’s not, I bet if you came to some of the activities we have coming up this week, it would step up a bit… because we tend to have a good time. So, here’s the different things we have going on this week that you can engage in to obtain a funner life:

Sunday, February 27, 2011:

Sunday School!!! Lesson #9: “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God”

Choir Practice! – 6:30 PM at the Stake Center… we are having a YSA Choir at the evening session of stake conference this coming Saturday (3/5) and need all the YSA we can find to come sing with us! Bring a friend!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011:

Institute: 7:30 PM at the Davis High Seminary Building

Indoor Soccer after institute! 9:30 PM at the Stake Center

Thursday, March 3, 2011:

FHE at the Jone’s starting at 7:30 PM! Which by the way, the Jone’s are some of the funnest people on this planet… so you’ll definitely want to come. Their address is: 52 Cove Lane (which is up in Tanglewood). Addison Devries and Anne Bassett will be giving a short lesson then we’ll have refreshments and games!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Regional Activity!!! Movie Night at Kaysville Theatre, the movie (whatever it is) will start at midnight and they'll let us in at 11:40 PM... the movie is free!

Saturday, March 5, 2011:

Stake Conference! 7:00 PM at the Stake Center, come sing in the YSA choir! We’ll probably be having an extra practice a few hours before... (we'll let you know more detail when we know for sure).

Let us know if you have any questions! And keep remembering that the Super Activity is coming up August 3-6 and you’ll want to come!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Crestwood Stake YSA Activities: 2/20-2/26

As predicted, last week did indeed “rock”- from the Fireside, to Institute and Indoor Soccer, and then pulling out all stops at our Chinese New Year’s Party, it was a week to remember (not just a night, but a whole week). So how can we possibly top last week? We got a few ideas:

Sunday, February 20, 2011:

Sunday school!!! Lesson #8: The Sermon on the Mount: "A More Excellent Way"

Game Night at Angie Stevens home at 8:00 PM! You won’t want to miss out, we were shocked by the turn out last time… it turns out Sunday nights are when people like to be fun. So how do you get to all the fun? Well… it’s pretty simple: just take the 3rd left after the Stake Center (if you are going up towards the highway) and it’s the corner house with the white fence and weirdly pinkish brick… or if you can read addresses: 106 S. 2700 E.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011:

Institute at 7:30 PM at the Davis High Seminary Building! We will be starting right at 7:30 so President Bott & Sister Beard don’t have to cut out any of the things they have prepared. So try and be there on time!! Remember… our room is in the first hallway to the left and then it’s the last room on the left.

After Party: Indoor Soccer at 9:30 PM at the Stake Center! Come “kick it” with us (even if you think this sentence is lame- still come)!

Saturday, February 26, 2011:

We did have a temple night planned, but with the Bountiful Temple closed, the Salt Lake Temple was overbooked and they had to cancel our appointment. So… Temple Night is canceled.

Coming up…

Just in case you can’t live without knowing, here is what will be coming up the first week of March:
  • Tuesday, March 1, 2011:Institute at 7:30 PM at Davis High Seminary and Indoor Soccer afterward
  • Thursday, March 3, 2011: FHE at 7:30 PM at the Jone’s (52 Cove Lane- up in Tanglewood)
Also… know that August 3-6 you are not allowed to make any plans… because we have already made a plan for you: the Super Activity at Lake Yuba!!! Well… I guess technically you could make other plans, its more a matter that you wouldn’t want to- because it’s basically going to be the most fun you will ever have.

Welp… see you around!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Crestwood Stake YSA Activities for Week of: Feb. 13- Feb. 19

Welcome to the Kaysville Crestwood Stake YSA Blog! It is going to provide all sorts of awesomeness for your life. Or at least a way of informing you about all sorts of awesomeness that you could choose to let into your life. Starting with, the fun things we have going on this week:

Sunday, February 13, 2011:

Combined Sunday School- 10th, 12th, and Crestwood Wards will be teaching lesson #7: “[He] Took Our Infirmities, and Bare Our Sicknesses”

Fireside- 7:30 PM at the Fairfield Chapel (the one at the bottom of Mutton Hollow). President Bob Mellor and his wife, Claire Mellor from the 12th ward will be speaking. They recently returned from a mission in Spain and used to be my ward and are fun people. You won't want to miss out!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011: 

Institute- 7:30 PM at the Davis High Seminary Building. President Bott and Sister Beard are always prepared with amazing lessons and it is a utter shame to ever miss out on what they have to say. Our room is the one in the back left corner in the first hallway to the left. 

Plus!!! We will be playing Indoor Soccer after institute at the Fairfield Chapel at 9:30 PM. (Double check with Patrick Hall at institute... its hard to know for sure what that kid is really planning- plus, I hear word that he's trying to get it moved to the Stake Center.)

Thursday, February 17, 2011:

Chinese New Year Party! 7:30 PM at the Stake Center. Because one New Year isn't enough for us. But... should you decide to come, it has high potential to be the best night of your life. And what kind of person would willingly reject the best night of their life? Only weirdos. AND even if it isn't the best night of your life... I bet you'll leave with good fortune. So... since this has all been so convincing... we'll see you there!

In other news...

The Super Activity is coming up August 3-6!!!! We are going to Yuba Lake where we will boat our little hearts out and have the time of our lives!!! So: start planning on that. (I know... it's 6 months away... but I'm already so excited that I couldn't even resist the urge to start getting others excited along with me.)

Just to get you excited... here are some pictures from last years Super Activity:



Well... hope life treats all of you well! Happy Valentine's Day!!!